Get in my basket!

You know what that experience is like, you are shopping on Instacart, getting groceries for the week, you are searching for bananas, and a new featured product, Diana’s Bananas, gets your attention. You didn’t plan on buying chocolate-covered frozen bananas, but it is in your basket now! Impulse buying online or in the store, we are comfortable with it as consumers, it is often how we find our new favorite must-have.

While some of us have been shopping online for our groceries since Peapod launched with Jewel decades ago, others are slow to adapt (you know who you are, we understand that you need to see and feel the avocados) our client, Diana’s is a latecomer to this marketplace as well. Our challenge was to help them make this leap to an e-commerce transaction.

Why spend there?
Because that’s where your audience lives these days, on their phone.

Which channel to try?
With 57% of the grocery e-commerce market and order volume up by as much as 500% in 2020, Instacart emerged as an undisputed opportunity to acquire grocery shoppers.

What will my return be?
Don’t know until we try. Traditional benchmark for Return on Ad Spend is 1-2x.

Who else is spending there?
Um, your competitors.

Let’s go!

We launched a campaign focused on acquiring new customers on Instacart with our primary key words being:

  • Bananas
  • Banana
  • Frozen fruit
  • Frozen banana

Diana's Bananas on Instantcart

Campaign results

We like to be conservative with our projections, it makes sense when you are trying out a new channel for a recently rebranded product. Our client was thrilled with the performance of this campaign with:

Media Campaign Results from Instantcart

We all know that the pandemic pushed our grocery purchase online and it does look like consumers are open to trial purchases and stocking up more than pantry staples, AND on chocolate-dipped frozen bananas as well!

Diana's Banana's Products

“I should have had the wisdom to have done this years ago! Better late than never.” -Robert Carmody, Founder of Diana’s Bananas

That quote from the founder of Diana’s, was profound professional validation for our agency. It was a YES from the man that had for more than 20 years, referred to himself as the NO Guy. Thank you, Bob Carmody, and for saying yes to our agency, parting with your beloved monkeys, and stepping forward into the next 20 years for Diana’s!

Let's talk

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